12+ UNFORGIVING Wistoria: Wand and Sword quotes

12+ UNFORGIVING Wistoria: Wand and Sword quotes

Wistoria: Wand and Sword is the story of a boy who would turn the world on its head. It chronicles the inspiring journey of Will Serfort, the lone sword, aiming to keep a childhood promise of becoming a Magia Vander despite being unable to cast even the simplest of spells, worthy enough to sit atop the Wizard’s Tower beside her childhood friend. 

From Talentless to Greatness: 14 Quotes from Wistoria: Wand and Sword

1. What is valued most highly at the prestigious Rigarden Magical Academy?

What is valued most highly at the prestigious Rigarden Magical Academy?

Naturally, it’s a talent for magic. So what of those with no aptitude for it? Is there any way for the talentless to advance at this academy? To answer that question, I come to the dungeon to slay monsters! Even I can do it if I try! Even if I can’t use magic!

2. Its not most genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential but its the person with the greatest perseverance is the guy who gets his hand raise in the end

To think a student at our institution is unable to use even the most basic of magics, as expected of a book learner. No wonder they say you’re only an honor student when it comes to note-making. You’re entirely beyond help.

3. Will, a boy challenging the very foundations of this world by his unrelenting dream of becoming a Magia Vander even if he can’t cast even the simplest of spells

As all of you just saw in this world, the supremacy of magic is absolute. Magic is authority. The strength of magic is power. Our heroes are mages! And here at this academy, your talent for magic is how you earn esteem. And no-talent who has theoretical knowledge, but cannot perform even one bit of magic, is unfit to stand in these halls that give rise to mages.

If you found Will from Wistoria relatable then have check out a similar boy who too challenges the rules in his world by aiming to become a divine visionary without any magical powers through these quotes

4. Will is far kinder than you and works harder than anyone!

Kindness and hard work alone won't make a great mage out of anyone. Not to mention a Magia Vander is simply a dream beyond dreams. Now, then spending any longer with this no talent would be a waste of time.

Kindness and hard work alone won’t make a great mage out of anyone. Not to mention a Magia Vander is simply a dream beyond dreams. Now, then spending any longer with this no talent would be a waste of time.

5. Wistoria: Wand and Sword quotes

Long ago, people knew nothing of the sky. They were trapped in darkness. The world was terrorized by the Celestial Host until five wizards rose against them. These wizards turned back the invaders, cast a seal over the sky and brought peace to our world.

6. Wistoria Will Serfort quotes, Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible

The Magia Vander, that title has been passed down ever since, given only to the strongest. Everyone dreams of it at least once – the honor of becoming a mage.

6. Will Serfort quotes

We don’t know the real sky. Even now, our world is hidden. The tremendous magical energies of the Magia Vander cloak everything, creating a false sky, the Great Barrier. When the barrier falls, the world will once again be enveloped in darkness, and the calamity will begin.

7. Elfaria and I made a promise to each other that we would become a Magia Wander and see the sunset from the top of the tower together

It was nothing more than an innocent childhood promise but she was the real thing. With her talent, she became the youngest ever to earn the Magia Vander title and left for the top of the tower.

8. To keep a promise

As for me, being talentless, I’m even less than mediocre. But, unable to give up on the promise we made that day, I’m still scrambling, even now, to achieve my dream of standing beside her.

9. I know, you know? Will, you’re kinder and braver than anyone

You’re wrong, Elfie. All I want is to stand beside you. To be worthy of you. I’m just a regular pathetic, shameful guy. That’s why, at the very least, I’ll become like a lone sword.

10. There’s more to Will Serfort than that meets the eye

Will is a true outliner. Superhuman strength a mage would never possess. A physique as robust as a dwarf’s. And the observational skills to grasp an enemy’s strategies after seeing them just once.

11. What’s your noble reason for your unwavering determination to become a Magia Vander?

I want to be with the person I love! I want to keep the promise I made with Elfie! Even if my reason seems ridiculous to you, and no matter how harsh my path may be. Inspite of all that I’ll go and see the sunset with Elfie!

12. Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

It’s true that Will can’t use the slightest bit of magic. However in this world full of magic, he’s the one and only warrior! A slash of his sword surpasses even lighting.

13. Was Will just a bait to lure Lady Elfaria to the school

It’s quite interesting for a sword to yearn to be a wand. Imagine a sword aiming to become a wand. Someone who can surpass magic without being able to use it?


14. A book learner who can’t use magic, a completely unprecedented no-talent

He can’t use magic, but the way he compensates is creative. And he has a nose for battle backed by experience. It’s true that he’s no mage. He’s a talented warrior.

15. I’ll be waiting! As long it takes!

Elfie, I’ll make it to the tower, too! Even if I can’t use magic. Even if everything tries to tear us apart. I’ll come for you, no matter what! Just like I promised, let’s go see the sunset together!

16. The highly anticipated reunion of The Lone Sword & Icemaiden’s Wand, Albis Vina

This is the story of a boy who would turn the world on its head. A tale of the joining of a wand and sword, Wistoria.


Missing Wistoria: Wand and Sword? Then watch these 7 binge-worthy magic anime for a good time

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