10 Anime Inspired Things A Guy Should Do To Ace His First Date

10 Anime Inspired Things A Guy Should Do To Ace His First Date

The first date for every couple is special. Why wouldn’t it be -you get to go out with the person you like for the first time? It’s just going to be you and her alone. Just the thought of being alone with the person you like gives you butterflies.

It’s alright to feel this way, but don’t let your butterflies fly too high, because how well you do on your first date will determine whether there’s scope for a second date or not. Try to keep your head out of the clouds and keep your eye on the prize.

Here, are 10 Things A Guy Should Do To Ace His First Date (featuring from the ‘Ultimate Dating’  Saga)

Previously on the ‘Ultimate Dating Guide’ Saga

Step 1: Whenever you decide to meet get there Early

Step 1: Whenever you decide to meet get there Early
Keiki arrives head of time for his date

Whenever you decide to meet make sure you get there 5-10 minutes early. Make sure you are the first one to reach the decided location. Don’t make the girl wait on your very first date, that’s not cool dude!

Arriving early gives you an opportunity to surprise your girlfriend or plan thoughtful gestures before she arrives. Being punctual and arriving early demonstrates thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

It shows that you have taken the time to plan and prepare for the date, which can make your girlfriend feel special and cared for. 

Step 2: Make sure to Compliment her Outfit and Her Hair if she did it

Step 2: Make sure to Compliment her Outfit and Her Hair if she did it
Keiki complementing Yuika’s outfit

Make sure to compliment her outfit and her hair if she did it. It will make her feel glad that she put in the efforts to get all dolled up then.

Complimenting your girlfriend’s outfit shows that you notice and appreciate her effort to look nice for the date. It can make her feel valued, attractive, and boost her confidence. 

Step 3: Take the Lead and maybe even try Holding her Hand

Step 3: Take the Lead and maybe even try Holding her Hand
Keiki gracefully taking the lead

You take the lead and maybe even try holding her hand.

Step 4: Get Lunch at a Fast Food place

Step 4: Get Lunch at a Fast Food place
Keiki and Yuika having lunch

Eat lunch at a fast food place. It has a relaxing easy environment. It’s the best place for you guys to have a chat while enjoying food. This provides you with the best opportunity to get to know each other more.

Step 5: Go Shopping with her until she is completely satisfied

Step 5: Go Shopping with her until she is completely satisfied
Keiki and Yuika thrifting

Go shopping with her until she is completely satisfied. Don’t worry if she doesn’t buy anything cause the dates what’s important and not buying things, right?

Step 6: Be Thoughtful enough to match her Walking Pace

Step 6: Be Thoughtful enough to match her Walking Pace
Keiki matching his walking pace to Yuika’s

Be thoughtful enough to match her walking pace. It makes you look thoughtful because boys tend to have longer legs and if you consciously make an effort to walk alongside her without tiring her out will make her feel good.

Step 7: Win her heart by winning her a Soft toy from the Claw Machine

Step 7: Win her heart by winning her a Soft toy from the Claw Machine
Amano and Tendou testing their skills at the claw machine

Nothing makes a girl feel happy than winning her a soft toy from the claw machine with your own hands. I don’t think there’s a girl out there who would say no to a soft toy.

Winning a soft toy from a claw machine can be a cute and thoughtful gesture for your date. 

Winning a soft toy from a claw machine can add an element of playfulness and fun to your date. It shows that you’re willing to engage in lighthearted activities and create memorable experiences together.

Step 8: Buy a First Date Gift if you want

Step 8: Buy a First Date Gift if you want
Keiki and Yuika looking for a gift in memory of their first date

Buy a gift as your first date memory. It’s not a compulsion though. It entirely depends on that particular couple. Everyone doesn’t have to follow this step if they won’t wanna.

It’s generally best to keep the gift simple, thoughtful, and appropriate for a first date.

Avoid extravagant or overly romantic gestures, as it might come across as too intense or overwhelming for an initial meeting. 

Step 9: Be on the Look Out for Jerks

Step 9: Be on the Look Out for Jerks
Yuika encounters a bunch of jerks

Keep an eye out for jerks. You don’t want anyone messing up with your girl. If jerks do show up like they show up in every anime then try using your head and not your fists don’t try to be a hero.

As her date, it’s your responsibility to ensure she feels safe, respected, and comfortable throughout the evening. If someone is mistreating or harassing her, it’s important to intervene and address the situation to protect her well-being. 

Step 10: Walk her Home/ her Train Station

Step 10: Walk her Home/ her Train Station
Izumi walking Shikimori home

Wondering, how do you end your first date? His is how! Be a gentleman and walk her home or to her train station whichever is suitable. Walking her home might give you that little extra time moment you desire.

Walking a girl home after a date can be a thoughtful and considerate gesture. It shows that you care about her safety and well-being, especially if it’s late at night or in an unfamiliar area.

Walking her home also provides an opportunity for continued conversation and allows you to spend more time together, potentially deepening your connection.

Like I said in the beginning, first dates determine whether there’s scope for a second date or not. So don’t screw it up, buddy. Make sure you nail your first date to give yourself a chance at a second one.

A successful first date helps set positive expectations for both individuals involved. It communicates that you are thoughtful, considerate, and interested in getting to know the other person.

It creates a sense of excitement and anticipation for future dates, making it more likely for the relationship to progress.

Next on the ‘Ultimate Dating‘ Saga

4 SIMPLE Ways Couples Can Maintain Long-lasting Relationships

Kon'nichiwa, Minna. Watashi wa Sansukedesu! Where do Life and Anime converge? Anime meets life! Let's explore life through anime ):


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