12+ HEROIC The Elusive Samurai quotes

12+ HEROIC The Elusive Samurai quotes

The Elusive Samurai chronicles the journey of a young boy who had to lose everything to become a hero.

It’s a redemption story depicting the tumultuous journey of the young lord Tokiyuki who’s on a mission to restore the Kamakura Shogunate to it’s former glory alongside the self-proclaimed prophetic priest, Yorishige

16 Quotes from The Elusive Samurai

1. Honor x Samurai

Courageous death in combat, honourable suicide. A warrior’s honour is awarded only through battle and death.

2. What’s wrong with being a puppet ruler, Father?

They still get to live lavish lives. Lord Tokiyuki lacks talent and is weak-willed, but he’s kind. He’s the perfect marriage candidate.

3. The Elusive Samurai Tokiyuki Houjou quotes

I like this Kamakura. And I like to see its people smile as they live in peace. I don’t need status or honour. Just living in this city is enough for me. Lazy & cowardly, sure that’s fine. Why would a mere puppet like me need the power of pen and sword?

4. Can The Fake Shaman Yorishige Suwa really foresee the future

When you’re ten years old, you’ll become a hero, to shake the very foundations of heaven. You’ll be a lord of war. Some will cower in fear. Others will worship you. You’ll even change the fate of the country.

5. The Fake Shaman Yorishige Suwa quotes on the Secret to Unlocking Tokiyuki’s inner Hero

When you’re in the depths of despair and thrown into the abyss of death that is where the hero within you shines!

6. The Elusive Samurai quotes on Hero

You said it would be a disgrace if you didn’t die, yet you jumped out of there to save your skin. That was the hero inside of you.


7. Young Lord Tokiyuki should give a Masterclass at Hiding and Deception

Running and hiding are good skills for a hero. Your Survival instinct is monstrous. You know better than anyone how to survive. You love the tingling tensions between life and death.

8. Is the glass half-full or half-empty for The Traitor, Takauji

What a pain for Takauji who just killed our lord and took a whole country. Because the one he should definitely kill next, the one who will inherit the Kamakura Shogunate has more talent than anyone to escape death.

9. Crossroads to becoming a Hero

Takauji becomes a hero by killing and you become a hero by living. You two are heroes with opposed fates.

10. The Young Lord lacks talent in everything besides hide-and-seek

Of course, you can’t win if you only run and hide. Allies, military strength, intellect. Everything you need to win, I’ll give it to you

11. The Burden of awakening the Joy of Living after Losing Everything

I’m a disgrace. As the son of a samurai, I’m supposed to be dead alongside my people. Because of you, I’ve awakened to the joy of living. I’ll have you take responsibility for this.

12. A game of tag is Lord Tokiyuki’s way out of this predicament

Lord Tokiyuki isn’t a coward. He genuinely enjoys the chase. One misstep would be fatal. His survival instinct is monstrous which means his very soul can find joy in such crisis.

13. There are conditions to winning a war by way of the game of tag

First, you must be a valuable leader in battle, which means you’ll become the top target. Second, you must have trustworthy retainers who’ll act as your weapons. In order to fulfill these two conditions you must not forget your pride as a Hojo orphan. And you must be a boy of character who people will be drawn to. If you do those two things, one day you can defeat any demon in the game of tag.

14. Lord Tokiyuki is going to win back his country simply by outrunning his enemies

Before the war, back when Kamakura was peaceful, the boy was amiable, modest, kind-hearted and considerate. He hated conflict, and his habit of running away from his much-despised training was a shortcoming. He was an ordinary kid like any other. But on the battlefield, he becomes a gleeful monster, happily playing tag against the fiercest of the fierce.

15. That Young Lord, isn’t he spoiled being the heir to the shogunate?

At his core, he’s honest and earnest. But he has never understood the reason to study diligently because he was raised to be a puppet ruler. He’s never had any meaningful goals in his life.

16. The Elusive Samurai Prince, your Mission if you choose to accept it

In a time when death is the honourable path, this boy outraced all that befell him and attempted to overthrow the shogun. This began the tumultuous life of the elusive samurai prince!


Kon'nichiwa, Minna. Watashi wa Sansukedesu! Where do Life and Anime converge? Anime meets life! Let's explore life through anime ):


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