10 INSIGHTFUL The Apothecary Diaries quotes that might surprise you

10 INSIGHTFUL The Apothecary Diaries quotes that might surprise you

The Apothecary Diaries centers around a young girl named Maomao who has an extensive knowledge of medicine since she’s an Apothecary’s daughter and also has a knack for tasting various types of poison.

Things take a turn for the better or worse when she’s kidnapped and sold off to the lowest echelons of the imperial court to work as a maid.

The Apothecary Diaries provides great insights on medicine, poison and habits to discontinue to live a healthy life.

Insightful quotes from The Apothecary Diaries that might surprise you

1. Maomao quotes Love x Medicine

Maomao quotes Love x Medicine

It’s said, ‘Love has the power to make a woman more beautiful’, I wonder what sought of medicine it would make.

2. Apothecary Diaries quotes on Illness

Apothecary Diaries quotes on Illness

They do say, ‘Illness is a result of an unbalanced mind’.

3. Maomao quotes on how to flush out poison out of your body?

Maomao quotes on how to flush out poison out of your body?

I had her drink tea often which causes frequent urination and flushes poison out of the body.

4. What does it mean to not being able to eat some food?

What does it mean to not being able to eat some food?

Some people have foods they can’t eat, like me for instance, my body can’t buckwheat.

5. What happens when you eat something you can’t digest?

What happens when you eat something you can't digest?

Every time it made my throat swell and breathing became difficult, even the smallest portions causes rashes so adjusting the amount was difficult and healing took a long time.

6. Maomao quotes on how you get a disease?

Maomao quotes on how you get a disease?

There’s an illness that eliminates the sense of taste, it’s brought on by an unbalanced diet or stress. Some people suppress their feelings and those suppressed emotions lead to disease.

7. Is drinking life-threatening?

Is drinking life-threatening?

If someone partakes in drinks they should know too much is essentially poison, overindulging can lead to damage to the organs and excessive amount in one sitting can possibly lead to death.

8. Did you know honey can’t be given to babies below 12 months?

Did you know honey can't be given to babies below 12 months?

You didn’t realise regular honey with no poison, the medicine you thought was good for health can be harmful to a newborn baby.

9. Poisonous food can become not poisonous

Poisonous food can become not poisonous

In this world, poisons can become not poisonous. For example, eels are originally poisonous but by bleeding them out or cooking them, they become edible.

10. Maomao quotes

Maomao quotes

The price tag with a night with Pirin is nearly half the income of an average commaner. Since that’s obviously too expensive his visits to the Vategiri house has shifted to drinking tea with servant girls. It’s a touch desperate if you ask me but I suppose when a man has got a taste of heavenly nectar, he begs his soul to get a glimpse of the same taste.

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