4 Reasons Why Renting A Girlfriend Is Worth It (&4 It’s Not)

4 Reasons Why Renting A Girlfriend Is Worth It (&4 It's Not)

Is Renting a girlfriend a real thing?

Hell Yeah! Renting a girlfriend service originated in Japan where people can rent a girl who acts as their ‘Pretend Girlfriend’ to accompany them in whatever they wish. People rent girlfriends for having a companion while:

  • Shopping
  • Watching a movie
  • Eating
  • Clubbing
  • Working out
  • Going on dates

The credit for popularizing the renting a girlfriend service not only in Japan but overseas as well goes to Rent A Girlfriend anime.

Rent a girlfriend anime features the main character Kazuya Kinoshita who after being dumped by his ex-girlfriend rents a girlfriend through an online app to appease his broken heart.

Watching Rent a girlfriend anime would be a great starting point for the confused ones, who can’t decide whether to rent a girlfriend or not?

If watching the anime sounds like a hassle, don’t worry I got you covered.

Renting A Girlfriend: 4 Reasons it’s Worth it & 4 Reasons it’s Futile

It’s a Good idea:

1. It can help you get over your break up

It can help you get over your break up

People who have recently had their hearts stomped can rent a girlfriend to soothe their pain. If you are missing your ex-girlfriend and hope to get over the feeling of loneliness then renting a girlfriend won’t be the worst idea.

Kazuya employs the same strategy in rent a girlfriend anime. After being dumped by his hot ex-girlfriend Kazuya comes across an online rental service app where he rents a girlfriend to soothe his pain of being dumped.

2. Boast in front of your friend

2. Boast in front of your friend

Skyrocket your social status by renting a girlfriend and showing her off in front of your friends. Imagine you are out with her and people are gawking at your gorgeous arm candy but she only has eyes for you. How great that would feel?

People who wish to improve their low self-esteem should surely make use of this service. Kazuya gets caught holding hands with Chizaru by his friends. So to make the best of this moment, he introduces her as his girlfriend to them.

3. It might cheer you up to get a Kanojo in real life

It might cheer you up to get a Kanojo in real life

If you are someone who hasn’t dated anyone by now. And wish to get an in hand experience of how it feels to go on dates with a girl then renting a girlfriend could be your shot at experiencing that. And if the pretend date leaves you with a craving for more then it might get you on your feet to get a kanojo in real life and this time not a pretend one.

The service of renting a girlfriend is quite convenient as you can rent girlfriends in Japan at your fingertips through an online rental app.

4. Best for people with Social Anxiety

4. Best for people with Social Anxiety

The idea of renting a girlfriend is a nightmare for people with social phobia. However, it gives you the amazing opportunity to get over that social anxiety of yours by getting an in-hand experience of how it feels to be social and surrounded by people. Go on dates to get over your fear of being socially awkward.

Just like Sumi Sakurasawa does in rent a girlfriend anime. Though she suffers from social anxiety. She signs herself as a rental girlfriend on an online rental car app. She goes on dates with clients who rent her to get used to being social.

Renting a girlfriend for people with social anxiety can be a threat or it can an opportunity to get over that nightmare. It’s all about how you look at it. Do you get cold feet and run or do you hold your ground and take a leap of faith and give it a go?

Not a Good Idea:

1. Take up a Part-time Job

Take up a Part-time Job

You may have to take up a part time job cause renting a girlfriend in Japan will be hard on your pocket. All the expenses incurred while you are on date cones from your pocket.

Kazuya had no choice but to start working part time at a cafe in rent a girlfriend anime. He couldn’t afford renting a girlfriend only from his savings. He had to look for other sources of income in order to keep going out with Chizaru again and again.

2. You could possibly fall for your rented girlfriend for real

 You could possibly fall for your rented girlfriend for real

Though the girl you go out with might just be your ‘Pretend Girlfriend’ there’s a high possibility that you could fall for her in real life. Though the girl is acting all cute, friendly and a little clingy may be only part of her job. Your heart still races for her when acts that way. So who wouldn’t fall for a girl who just acts like your ideal girlfriend?

3. You might find it difficult to get yourself a girlfriend in real life

You might find it difficult to get yourself a girlfriend in real life

In the anime, Kazuya falls prey to renting one girlfriend after another and then another. He ends up renting three different girlfriends due to uncontrollable circumstances. Which makes it impossible for him to get a girlfriend in real life.

That’s what the issue is with this service. It makes you complacent to look for a girlfriend in real life cause renting a girlfriend through an online app is always the easier option.

4. It might just be a complete waste of time

It might just be a complete waste of time

I want to make something clear that the girl acting as your pretend girlfriend is merely acting sweet and funny just to make you feel happy and satisfied with your date.

So don’t get angry with them the way Kazuya is in the anime after the date is over. Making you feel satisfied is just part of her job. It’s all temporary. When the date is over it’s all over.

Though the fashion of renting a girlfriend was only popular in Japan a few years back but the rent a girlfriend anime has lead the charge in increasing its popularity in foreign countries. It has even made its way to Indian cities of Pune and Mumbai.

the end

Comment down below if you would rent a girlfriend if you got chance?

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