7+ MOTIVATING Life Lessons from Hajime No Ippo

7+ MOTIVATING Life Lessons from Hajime No Ippo

Hajime no Ippo is a classic sports drama about a high school kid named Ippo who helps his mother run their fishing boat company and falls in love with boxing after Takemura, an experienced fighter, protects him from bullies.

An inspiring anime series, Hajime no Ippo features wonderful comedic moments in between exciting boxing battles.

Hajime no Ippo is a must-watch when you need a pinch of inspiration.

Featuring from the ‘Lessons from Screen’ saga, 7 Motivating Life Lessons from Hajime No Ippo

Previously on the Saga,

6+ Life lessons from Zom 1oo: Bucket List of the Dead

1. There’s no Substitute for Work ft Ippo Makonouchi

There's no Substitute for Work ft Ippo Makonouchi
The future you depends on you to keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday.

The only thing separating what you have and what you desire is the work you put in.

Work even when you don’t feel like it. Work through the pain. Keep working even if your friends are having fun.

Discipline cannot be substituted for anything. Ignoring what you want now in favor of something greater later on is discipline.

Ippo is among the most disciplined athlete you will ever come across.

He never gives an excuse for not working hard today—not because he isn’t as skilled as other boxers, but also because according to him working takes the stress off things, and he feels less pressured when he knows he has done the work.

2. Everyone has a backstory ft Ippo x Takemura x Ichiro x Kimura

Everyone has a backstory ft Ippo x Takemura x Ichiro x Kimura
Every hero has his origin story

Hajime no Ippo characters’ back stories

  • Ippo took up boxing to turn his life around.
  • Takemura started boxing to give his fists purpose and be seen as a boxer, not a troublemaker.
  • Ichiro Miyata became a professional boxer to prove his father’s boxing style could win a world title.
  • Tatsuya Kimura began boxing to earn enough money to open his own ramen shop.

Everyone has a past, but unless you use it as motivation to reach new heights in your life, having a captivating backstory isn’t worth it.

Your backstory is simply your past; what matters is how you make the most of it by using it to shape who you are today.

3. You have a choice between remaining a looser or becoming a winner ft Ippo Makonouchi

 You have a choice between remaining a looser or becoming a winner ft Ippo Makonouchi
Remember, you too can be the winner in your story. The only question is, do you want to?

Do you know what separates a winner from a loser? It’s not skill or discipline, but mindset.

A winner approaches tasks with confidence, while a loser doubts their ability.

Tired of losing? Have the courage to change. When things get tough, will you keep going? Can you dare to dream?

Before meeting Takemura, who saved him from bullies, Ippo was a loser.

He never fought back against bullies because he didn’t think he could win, until he saw Takemura in action.

That small shift in perspective led Ippo to win the rookie title, turning his former bullies into his supporters.

4. Big dreams aren’t easy ft Ichiro Miyata

 Big dreams aren't easy
When your dreams aren’t normal. Don’t expect your life to be either

To get what you don’t have, you must do what you’ve never done.

Dreaming big isn’t the issue; not taking big actions is.

Next time you feel like quitting, remember: someone with same goals as you is working 10x harder. And you’re here again, thinking about taking it easy—maybe scrolling through your phone or going out for pointless socializing.

Don’t be surprised if they reach the top before you. It’s not just because they share your goals, but because they worked while you slacked off.

5. You can have fun if you also put in the work ft The Big Guy, Takemura

5. You can have fun if you also put in the work ft The Big Guy, Takemura
Working hard and overworking are two very different things.

To accomplish something that no one hasn’t, you’ve got to put in more effort than they have.

Does this mean you should overwork and risk burnout?

Burnout not only costs valuable work time but also harms your mental health. You may doubt yourself and spiral downward.

Be mindful of your breaking points, and take rest when it’s necessary.

Just like the big guy, Takemura who is the best boxer in his weight class.

He’s the best not only because he outworks everyone but also because he knows when to ease off and let his body recover from intense training.

6. Healthy Competition is a bliss ft Ichiro Miyata

Healthy Competition is a bliss ft Ichiro Miyata
Competition is a good thing, it brings out the best in us

The most well-known rivalry in Hajime no Ippo is that between Ichiro and Ippo.

Though a boxing prodigy, Ichiro was seeking a rival to ignite his competitive spirit.

His search ended with Ippo. Fighting Ippo made boxing enjoyable again, providing the adrenaline he craved.

When Ichiro is about to lose, he remembers Ippo and their promise to meet in the finals, motivating him to keep going.

A rival affects your psyche. Every time you feel like giving up, there’s always a clock ticking inside your head reminding you that your rival is right now working just as hard as you if maybe not more.

It then encourages you to keep pushing yourself past your limitations. Growth will only occur once you have surpassed your limitations.

7. You do for family ft Ryo Mashiba x Ippo

You do for family ft Ryo Mashiba x Ippo
Family Comes First

Ippo always declines his friends’ invitations to hang out after school. It’s not that he dislikes hanging out, but he needs to help his mother with the fishing boat business.

After losing his parents in a car accident, Ryo Mashiba works hard in boxing to win the rookie title and support his sister, ensuring they never worry about money.

Ippo and Mashiba both prioritize making life easier for their families, not because they enjoy tough decisions, but because they understand family comes first.

So, don’t run from your responsibilities. Fulfill your promises and show they weren’t just words.

Kon'nichiwa, Minna. Watashi wa Sansukedesu! Where do Life and Anime converge? Anime meets life! Let's explore life through anime ):


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