9+ BRUTAL Kaiju No. 8 Quotes on Dreams

9+ INSPIRING Kaiju No. 8 Quotes on Dreams

Kaiju No. 8 is a lot similar to many Shonen anime out there since it too chronicles the journey of their MC, Kafka Hibino, who ends up becoming the thing he wants to kill.

Similar to how Eren Yeager became the founding titan to destroy titans, Kafka metamorphosis into a Kaiju to give him a final chance at getting recruited as a member of the Japan Defense Force, which was in charge of eliminating Kajiu.

The only plot twist is that Kaiju No. 8 doesn’t feature a teenager as the MC but rather a 32-year-old man working as a Kaiju-corpse cleanup man. It’s like applying to a company but ending up with a janitor’s job. 

9 Brutal Quotes from Kaiju No. 8 on Achieving your Dreams

1. Why did Kafka gave up on his childhood dream of joining the Japan Defense Force?

I gave it everything I had but there’s always going to be someone better out there. Everyone has limits and I ran straight into mine. Maybe you can’t relate but you’ll get it when you get older.

2. The loser talk

What’s wrong about giving up on when you’re beat? Is it really such a crime?

3. Reno Ichikawa quotes on Giving Up

Back when you talked about giving up, you seemed pretty quiet torn up about it. If you’re okay with living life like a quitter then who am I to judge you, right?

4. Kikoru Shinomiya quotes

Rejoicing over a single success will only lead to failure next time. Get ready for your next goal immediately. Always be perfect, for the sake of this nation’s future!

5. What it means to the Best?

Never stop moving forward! Never let anyone be better than you! Be more powerful than anyone else on the battlefield!

6. Kikoru Shinomiya quotes

If somebody doesn’t stop this thing then a lot of people will die! I can still move, I can still fight! When I’m on the battlefield, Nobody dies!

7. Kafka Hibino quotes

Chasing your dreams means there’s always someone better out there who’s beating you at the thing you care about the most.

8. Kafka Hibino quotes

Enough is enough, I can’t just keep running away from the truth forever. For the record, I don’t think giving up is always wrong. But I am pretty sure it’s never okay to lie to yourself

9. Kaiju No. 8 quotes

Kaiju No. 8 quotes

Your standard for judging someone shouldn’t be their background or what they say. The way I see it, people ought to be judged by their actions.

10. Mina Ashiro quotes

Mina Ashiro quotes

His unleased combat power at the time he joined was 0%. He’d failed the Defence Force Exam twelve times straight prior to that. But he didn’t give up.

11. Mina Ashiro quotes

Mina Ashiro quotes

No matter how many times he failed even though his combat power was zero. Even though his body had turned into a Kaiju, he never stopped trying to save people.

12. Where are you now?

It’ll be okay, cause even when you’re afraid, I’ll be right there beside you.

Just like Kafka got a second chance at his childhood dream of joining Japan’s Defense Force, we too often get a second chance in our own lives. Kafka’s journey shows that you’re never too old to go after your dreams, doesn’t matter how many times life knocks you down as long as you keep getting back up, life will throw a few full tosses your way and when it does make sure you knock it out of the park.

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10 Anime Recommendations About Making The Most Of Second Chance

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