10+ WISHFUL How to Become Ordinary Anime quotes that Resonate with the Audience

10+ WISHFUL How to Become Ordinary Anime quotes that Resonate with the Audience

Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary chronicles the days of Kobato Jogoro who decides to revamp his persona as merely an ordinary person he made his high school debut, alongside his classmate, Osanai who shares similar aspirations. However, they keep getting bombarded with mysteries one after another which keeps disrupting their quest to become truly ordinary beings.

13 Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary quotes that the audience can relate to

1. The Art of becoming Ordinary

An ordinary person must never stand out, they must spend every day in peace and do everything possible to avoid anything that interferes with that.

2. Dating is off the table if you wish to Truly Become Ordinary

If you can’t stop, you can use me as an excuse. You don’t need to hold back. We’d promised that was what we’d do for each other. That’s how the two of us create our moments of peace and make a giant leap toward becoming completely ordinary.

3. Did something happen to you in middle school?

You seem to different. Where’d the seemingly invincible Kobato Jogoro go? You couldn’t help sharing everything you knew. If someone knew something you didn’t, you’d get snarky and cry sour grapes. But you’re even worse now. You’re like a nasty little brat who smiles on the outside, but who you suspect has a chip on his shoulder.

4. From a middle school detective to just an ordinary high schooler

Nothing happened. I might have been how you say when I first entered middle school. I think you’re hoping there’s a simple explanation in the form of some trauma. But I ended up like this naturally by the time I graduated—an ordinary person. I’m not trying to become ordinary for any particular reason.

5. I’ve quit playing the detective

We’ve a promise. But our promise doesn’t decide what kind of person you’ve to be. Today, you were like how you were the first time I met you. You could be that Kobato-kun again if it’s more fun for you, I won’t mind.

6. That little punk must be punished for messing with an ordinary person

He ruined my spring-exclusive strawberry tarts. He threw my bicycle away when he had no more use for it. I was hoping for a peaceful school life, but I’ve already been treated like a thief. The guidance counsellor has summoned me twice. I need to make him pay.

7. The ultimate test to become ordinary

We promised we’d be ordinary. We won’t be ordinary people if we don’t just let these things happen. You’ve to resist, this is a test.

8. What do you think is the most important thing to us ordinary people?

Being content with what we have. Why don’t we say that the most important thing to ordinary people is making sure we continue to have what we have?

9. Isn’t this the kind of situation you thrive in?

I realized inserting myself into problems that people are working really hard on, and then proceeding to solve them isn’t really welcomed. Even fewer people thank me for it. I’m far more likely to be shunned and despised for it.

10. Life becomes easy when you start minding your own business

I’ve been seeing the truth of every situation before everyone else since elementary school. I’m done getting involved and being despised for it. I’m trying to be a modest, upright, ordinary person who’s satisfied with the status quo! What’s wrong with that?!

11. Mind of a Lone Wolf

I used to be clever. I aspire to become ordinary because I got tired of it. Osanai-san’s the same. But what Osanai-san’s trying to abandon isn’t her cleverness. If I was a fox, she used to be a wolf.

12. Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary quotes

Nowadays, she only shows happiness only when there’s something sweet in front of her. But she wasn’t like that before, Osanai-san showed the most joy while beating those who had done her harm to a pulp.

13. Should we call it quits on this whole idea of becoming an ordinary citizen?

Nowadays, she only shows happiness only when there’s something sweet in front of her. But she wasn’t like that before, Osanai-san showed the most joy while beating those who had done her harm to a pulp.

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