11 INSIGHTFUL Bartender Glass of God Quotes for Drinking Enthusiasts

11 INSIGHTFUL Bartender Glass of God quotes

Bartender Glass of God is the story of a talented bartender, Ryu Sasakura who has the gift to soothe his customers after a long hectic day with his divine drinks.

11 Insightful quotes from Bartender Glass of God for Drinking Enthusiasts

1. Ryu Sasakura quotes

Ryu Sasakura quotes

In this world, there are two types of professions that absolutely must not deceive the customer. One is the physician or pharmacist. And the other is the bartender

2. What is hard ice?

What is hard ice?

If you freeze ice over a long period, it becomes even harder. Then, if you cut out the core parts and rest them in the freezer for a few days, the ice becomes denser and harder to melt

3. Do you know the meaning of the word ‘bartender’?

Do you know the meaning of the word 'bartender'?

A ‘bar’ is a perch upon which to rest. ‘Tender’ means gentle or kind. So bartender means a ‘gentle perch’. Bar and tender, a place where tenderness grows.

4. What’s the first step of making a Martini?

What's the first step of making a Martini?

Do you know if I’ve eaten or not? Am I drinking before or after my meal? The Martini is a strong cocktail. How can you offer one without knowing if I’m drinking on an empty stomach?

5. Smiling while hearing people bitch is the art of a bartender

Smiling while hearing people bitch is the art of a bartender

At the end of the day, a bartender earns money just listening to people bitch. It’s a job for assholes.

6. What is a B&B Cocktail?

 What is a B&B Cocktail?

B&B is a cocktail you make just by mixing equal amounts of brandy and Benedictine, right?

7. What is the best way to drink a B&B cocktail?

What is the best way to drink a B&B cocktail?

As a nightcap, it’s said to be best enjoyed just before bed. It combines the rich flavors of brandy with the unique sweetness of Benedictine. It is quickly intoxicating, which may help the drinker fall asleep.

8. Not everyone has what it takes to be a Bartender

Not everyone has what it takes to be a Bartender

For travelers from overseas who arrive at the hotel late at night, the first human being they speak to in this country is the hotel bartender. With just one smile, with just one gesture, he gives them their first impressions of this country. It isn’t a job that just anybody can do.

9. Ryu Sasakura quotes

Ryu Sasakura quotes

The main ingredient in malt whiskey is barley. They use barley and water to make wort and then add yeast to ferment it. They then take that unrefined liquid and distill it to make what’s called a new pot.

10. Good things take time

Good things take time

In the whiskey world, it takes five to ten years for the flavors you’ve created to be appreciated. You can’t make excuses for the failures to drinkers in the future. So makers put their heart and soul into crafting each batch.

11. The flavor of time

The flavor of time

Most people don’t hold on to their regrets for twelve years. But I think that people who hold on to difficult memories and regrets, and let those feelings mature over time, are the only ones able to grow into adults.

the end
Kon'nichiwa, Minna. Watashi wa Dragondesu! Where do Life and Anime converge? Lets explore the darker side of life through anime


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