Anime Characters who didn’t Ask for their Powers

Anime Characters who didn't Ask for their Powers

Every anime or the other has their own unique power system, there will be characters who are considered overpowered like Zeno from Dragon Ball or characters who’re considered underpowered like Takemichi Hanagaki from Tokyo Revengers.

But have you ever considered whether these characters wished to receive the powers they were given in the first place? Did they actively seek these powers?

If your answer is no, don’t worry here’s a list of,

8 Anime characters who found themselves bestowed with power they didn’t actively seek

1. Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and his half-ghoul abilities

Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and his half-ghoul abilities
Ken Kaneki is a victim of the worst anime date of all time

One day, Kaneki goes on a date with a girl named Rize Kamishiro, who turns out to be a ghoul– a creature that feeds on human flesh.

During their date, Rize attacks Kaneki with the intention of eating him. However, before she can kill him a construction accident occurs and steel beams fall on both of them.

In an attempt to save Kaneki’s life, doctors perform an emergency organ transplant, using Rize’s organs to replace Kaneki’s severely damaged ones. Thus turning him into a half-ghoul.

As a result, Kaneki inherits ghoul abilities while still maintaining his human appearance and thus marks the beginning of the most tragic story of any anime protagonist.

Kaneki never wished to become a half-ghoul, he never chose to walk this path where he now has to eat human flesh to survive despite being a human. He just wanted to live a normal life, get laid by a hot chic and that’s all, nothing more.

2. Shinichi Izumi from Parasyte and his power to morph his right hand into any desirable shapes

Shinichi Izumi from Parasyte and his power to morph his right hand into any desirable shapes
Izumi, what’s wrong with my right hand?

Shinichi Izumi has the limited shape-shifting and weapon creation power where he can morph his right hand into various shapes including blades and other weapons for self-defense.

He also has rapid healing abilities which enables him to recover from injuries at a much faster rate compared to an ordinary man.

However Izumi never chose or desired these powers, he gained these powers due to the failed attempt of a parasitic alien to take over his body completely.

Instead of completely overtaking his brain, the alien known as Migi, only occupies his right hand.

3. Mieruko-chan and her ability to see horrifying supernatural creatures

Mieruko-chan and her ability to see horrifying supernatural creatures
Can you see me Mieruko-chan?

Mieruko-chan possesses the unique power to perceive these creatures, known as ‘crawlers’, spirits or monsters but she chooses to avoid interacting with them to maintain her sanity.

Watching her try to navigate through her daily routines while minimizing any contact or engagement with these terrifying beings to lead a normal life is hilarious.

The moral of the story is that, despite her ability to see ghosts, Mieruko-chan wants to live a normal life; which means her way of life would remain unchanged if she didn’t possess this ability in the first place. 

4. Satoru Fujinuma from Erased and his power of ‘Revival’

Satoru Fujinuma from Erased and his power of 'Revival'
Now what?

Satoru Fujinuma is blessed with a mysterious phenomenon which he calls the ‘Revival’ which enables him to go back several minutes before an accident occurs.

This ability that Satoru possesses comes to the rescue when he becomes the prime suspect of his mother’s murder, he is sent back 18 years in time to somehow avoid a certain event from taking place 18 years ago that might prevent his mother being murdered in the future.

Though he didn’t actively seek these powers of time travel, he was glad he had them to save the lives of people who were close to him.

5. Naruto and his power to control the nine tailed fox

Naruto and his power to control the nine tailed fox
It’s just me uce since Day 1

Since the Nine-tailed fox destroyed the hidden leaf village during Naruto’s birth and then being sealed inside baby Naruto, all his childhood he was treated as an outcast instead of being celebrated as the hero who saved the village.

Due to the nine tailed fox sealed inside him, he grows up as an orphan without making any friends while everyone’s looking at him with eyes filled with nothing but hate and despise.

Naruto was a newborn baby when he was trusted with the Nine-tailed fox’s powers, he never made a choice to have them in the first place, it was rather a decision made by his father the fourth Hokage.

Later on in the series this power that caused everyone to hate him turns things around for him to become the greatest asset in saving their world and finally getting acknowledged for being the hero of the leaf which he was since Day 1.

6. Light Yagami from Death Note and his power to kill anyone just by writing their name

Light Yagami from Death Note and his power to kill anyone just by writing their name
Why is this book titled Death Note?

Light Yagami possesses the ‘Death Note’ which grants it’s user the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in it while picturing the person’s face in their mind.

In the anime, Light discovers the Death Note by mere chance. One day, while attending school, a black notebook falls from the sky and lands near him. Initially, Light thinks little of it and picks it up, assuming it’s just a regular notebook someone dropped.

Upon closer inspection, Light finds that the notebook’s cover reads ‘Death Note’. Initially he considers it a prank but soon realizes the Death Note’s genuine power to cause death to anyone whose name is written in it while picturing their face.

Though Light didn’t actively seek these powers associated with the ‘Death Note’ but he chose to use it’s powers to eradicate criminals and create a new world under his vision of justice.

7. Kawaki from Boruto Naruto Next Generation and his karma mark

Kawaki from Boruto Naruto Next Generation and his karma mark
Is Kawaki’s karma a curse or a blessing?

Kawaki despised his karma mark, viewing it as a curse and a symbol of his traumatic past.

Kawaki was subjected to extensive and cruel experimentation by Kara. This involves implanting him with the karma mark against his will, forcibly linking him to powerful entities and using him as a tool for their nefarious purposes.

The karma mark, being a vessel of Kara’s manipulations symbolizes Kawaki’s loss of control over his body and destiny.

Though the karma mark grants him immense power and abilities making him a valuable asset in battles against formidable adversaries, he is still wishes he gained those powers in the first place.

8. Saitama from One Punch Man and his power of defeating any opponent with a single punch

Saitama from One Punch Man and his power of defeating any opponent with a single punch
Having overwhelming strength is pretty boring actually- Saitama

When Saitama was little boy, he wanted to be a hero not some damn businessman but a superheroes who would send rotten villains flying with one punch.

So, he trains so hard to become a hero that he looses all his hair and goes bald but becomes so overwhelmingly powerful that he can defeat any opponent with a single punch in the process.

Eventhough Saitama realized his dream of becoming a hero, he always dreamed off, he isn’t satisfied with his current life, he keeps asking himself what’s wrong with me? Why does my heart feel so lifeless and empty.

He wishes for a life with more excitement and thrill.

Even though these characters didn’t ask for the powers they were bestowed upon, I think eventually they were glad to have them.

the end

What do you guys think, I would love to hear your thoughts so do comment down below.

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