14+ FUN Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian quotes

14+ Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian quotes

Under cherry blossoms, we meet once more, hearts racing, eyes locked, just like before. Years melt away like snow in spring, memories bloom, sweet and painful. “I’ve missed you”, whispers in the breeze. A forgotten song, brings us to our knees. Time has changed us, yet here we are intertwined by invincible threads, a story re-written, a love redefined.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian is a high school romantic comedy that chronicles the daily interactions between Alya, the so called Ice princess who tries to hide her emotions in Russian and Masachika Kuze, who actually is quite fluent in Russian to be able to understand every embarrassing thing Alya fawns which Alya is clueless about.

15 Quotes from Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian

1. The devoted anime insomniacs, trading shut-eye for epic storylines

Stayed up watching late-night anime again? You never learn do you, you sacrifice sleep to watch your anime and then snooze through school. What’s the point?

2. Are you Baka, Insane?

Insane eh? Let’s think about it. If professing my love for a particular work with no regard for time or place is the definition of insanity, then I’ll gladly admit I’m insane.

3. Masachika Kuze is Bilingual

As a kid, I often played with a Russian girl who lived near my grandpa’s place. I must’ve picked it up then. And I can still pretty much understand spoken Russian.

4. Alya san quotes

But who woulda thought it’d lead to this bizarre situation? This cute Russian girl next to me fawns over me exclusively in Russian, and I know!

5. Kuze x Alya

Why are her displays of affection for me in Russian so weird? Maybe her perfectionism in playing her ideal self is stressing her out, and she’s using me as a release or something?

6. You didn’t hurt your neck or anything after I kicked you for peeking at my panties?

Nah, don’t worry about it! If anything, I should thank you for giving me a peek into the promised land! Thank you for the truly spectacular view!


7. Alya San is a self-sufficient star, shining brightly without borrowing any light

I was wrong to expect anything from them. I feel like nobody is ever as driven as I am. If that’s the case, then I’ll just do everything all by myself.

8. Alya-san doesn’t get bothered by people calling her the cold princess

The ‘princess” part is what I take the issue with. It makes it sound like I’m a silver spoon snob. Sure, I was born with above-average looks and talent. But never once have I coasted by on that alone. It annoys me when all my efforts get ignored in favour of my birth.

9. How about you give me permission to call you Alya, then?

You’re our class’s idol, the apple of everyone’s eye. And I get the glory of being the only guy who calls you by your nickname!

10. I really don’t have what it takes to influence people

If trusting people means I’ll regret it later, I’d rather do things alone. Nobody can keep up with me, anyway. Saying that I’ve looked down on people, pushed them away, and refused to ever reach out to them. I’m paying for that now.

11. Alya San quotes

Who would ever listen to a person like that? Someone who can only talk down to them about what is “right” and “wrong”? I’m all alone, I know that I get it. I chose this for myself.

12. Is that a love confession?

You’ve always been driven and unwavering like that. If it’s what you want, I’ll do everything in my power to make you president. I’ll make sure you never stand alone again. I’ll be there with you and for you. So shut up and take my hand, Alya!

13. I didn’t have any suitable goals that I could use that position of power to achieve

So what’s wrong with that? I became the student council president to win the heart of the girl I love. A reason far more improper than any you may have.

14. Alya San quotes

I think it doesn’t matter why you join, only what you do in your time here. You can join for love or friendship as long as you work to make things better for the students. That’s how it should work. Otherwise, only saints could ever hold positions of power.

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